Members of the cast of SBMT’s upcoming “Fiorello!” met for orientation on July 19. There was lots to learn, including some tidbits, truths, and a few fibs about the real Fiorello LaGuardia from producer Jay Steele. (Did Fiorello ever beat up a horse? Or did he fight his adversaries while standing on a chair? Answer below!)
The show opens September 19 at the Saratoga Civic Theatre and runs through October 10. Buy tickets now for the fabulous opening night gala!

Members of the Fiorello! cast goof it up at their orientation meeting on July 19.

Members of the Fiorello! cast goof it up at their orientation meeting on July 19.

Answer: No, LaGuardia never fought a horse. But the feisty, 5’2″ Fiorello did demand that someone bring a chair to the school yard so he could stand on it to take on his classmates.