“With A Little Bit Of Luck…”

…you, too, could be part of the act!

Like to sing? Dance? Act? Sign up for SBMT Audition Announcements by sending an email to auditions-list+subscribe@southbaymt.com (be sure to acknowledge the confirmation email to join), and you will be notified in advance with details about our upcoming shows, roles, and audition dates.

Auditions for our 2024-2025 season will be held on the following dates. Watch this page for details, or sign up for email alerts using the address at the top of this page. 


Urinetown auditions:

Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 28-29, 2024

Director: David Mister
Choreographer: Jen Cuevas
Music Director: Christine Lovejoy
Vocal Director: Walter M. Mayes
Stage Manager: Quentin Tepliuk
Performs January 25 – February 15, 2025


Brigadoon auditions:

Saturday and Sunday, January 11 & 12, 2025

Director: Doug Brook
Choreographer: Esther Selk
Music Director: Joe Kelly
Vocal Director: Rachel Michelberg
Stage Manager: Philip Jacke
Performs May 17 – June 7, 2025

Broadway by the Decade - Musicals of the New Millennium

Broadway By The Decade auditions:

now taking place via video submissions

Created and Directed by: Brad Handshy
Video audition submissions will be accepted during October, 2024. Click here for the full announcement.
Performs February 2, 2025

Titanic: In Concert

Titanic: In Concert auditions

now taking place via video submissions

Director: Walter M. Mayes
Music Director: Asa Stern
Vocal Director: Anita Hsiung Carey
Video audition submissions will be accepted during October, 2024. Click here for the full announcement.
Performs April 12 & 13, 2025


If you have any questions about auditions, you may direct them to auditions@southbaymt.com.


Urinetown, the Musical

Walter M. Mayes, Artistic Director of South Bay Musical Theatre announces auditions for 


Music by Mark Hollmann. Lyrics by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis. Book by Greg Kotis.

  • Director: David Mister
  • Choreographer: Jennifer Cuevas
  • Vocal Director: Walter M. Mayes
  • Music Director:  Christine Lovejoy

Initial auditions were held Saturday, Sep. 28, 2024 from 12 – 5 pm and Sunday, Sep. 29, 2024 from 6 – 10 pm


Please prepare 32 bars of a song in the style of the show with sheet music in the correct key. No recordings, please. An accompanist will be provided. Bring a headshot, resume, conflict calendar through February 15, and clothes and shoes comfortable to move in. Auditioners must attend a dance call but may choose to do so before or after their vocal audition time if available.

Auditions were held at 761 Mabury Rd, Suite 20, in San Jose.

Callbacks, by invitation only: Tuesday and Wednesday, October 1 and 2.

The rehearsal calendar is compact and fast-paced. Therefore, conflict calendars will be a primary consideration for casting. Only minor conflict schedules will be considered, if any.

No conflicts during tech week accepted.


URINETOWN (the musical!) is fast-paced and high-energy, pausing only when needed to make a point or land a joke.  The entire company will be active for most of the show, and there are quick changes aplenty for the actors who explicitly double.  We’re looking for exceptional actors who sing and move well, so bring us your best stuff and prepare to be busy!

We’re not able to change the script or the music, but are open to considering actors of any gender identity for roles of specific gender identities — for example, a female or nonbinary *actor* portraying Bobby Strong, or a male or nonbinary *actor* playing Hope — though the *role* (Bobby or Hope) will remain its specified gender in the script.  The actor would need to demonstrate the capability to portray the specified character as well as sing the required range.  The role of Senator Fipp may be portrayed as any gender.  If you wish to be considered for specific roles, please note them on your audition form. 

SBMT Casting Commitment

South Bay Musical Theatre is actively reshaping our company to be reflective of the community it serves. We practice non-traditional and identity-conscious casting in all our productions. We are seeking and highly encouraging all actors to submit, regardless of race/ethnicity/caste, disability, body type, age, orientation, or gender/gender identity.  All cast members are volunteers with a performance per diem of $250 in total. 


All roles are open:

Officer Lockstock, male, 30-50, Baritone (A2-A4)
Officer Lockstock is our story’s narrator, frequently breaking the fourth wall to converse directly with the audience… but sometimes still misses the joke.  He has power and authority – and enjoys them.  The actor playing Lockstock needs to be able to command a room but also to slip into the background and watch events unfold.  He mostly speaks and sings in his impressive lower register, but there’s at least one unreasonably high vocal passage in Act 2.

Officer Barrel, male, 30-50, Baritone (G2-F4)
Lockstock’s partner in policing, Barrel does more of the dirty work and enjoys it, but he’s got a secret.  There are some low notes here, so show us your range!   

Bobby Strong, male, 20s-30s, Tenor (A2-C5)
Our dashing protagonist, Bobby, starts out working for Miss Pennywise and ends up starting a revolution.  You know the story: boy meets girl, boy finds out girl is the daughter of crushingly-powerful business magnate, boy is inspired to overturn social and political order.  Classic.  The fire of righteousness burns bright inside of Bobby, but let’s just say he’s not necessarily the brightest bulb in the box.  Show off your leading-man-tenor belting chops. 

Hope Cladwell, female, 20-30, Soprano (A3-A5)
Hope has just finished college – she’s innocent, naive, and ready to start in the working world.   After meeting Bobby, she’s torn between her loyalty to her father and her love for Bobby and the ideals that burn within him.  Which side will Hope choose, and how far will she go?  Bring us your soaring soprano plus your gospel-infused belt.

Caldwell B. Cladwell, male, 50+, Baritone (A2-G4)
Cladwell isn’t evil; he’s just… well, okay, he’s at least a little evil.  A ruthless tycoon who’s succeeded in bribing and manipulating his way to the top, he now exploits the needs of the many to line his own pocket with cash.  But deep down… he kinda has a point.  The actor playing Cladwell needs to command every second they’re onstage and should be able to deliver horrifying rhetoric with a purr.  

Penelope Pennywise, female, 35+, high belter (A3-C6)
Brassy but jaded and burned by her past, Penelope “Penny” Pennywise runs the town’s poorest, filthiest public amenity (toilet).  She knows the reality of the world better than anyone, given what’s happened to her and where she’s ended up.  Think janitorial Matron Mama Morton plus some wailing high notes — and a secret or two of her own.  Come show us your high C and your mezzo Real Talk.

Josephine “Ma” Strong, female, 50+, Mezzo (Bb3-D5)
One of the Poor, Bobby’s mother and Old Man Strong’s wife, Ma joins Bobby’s rebellion when her husband’s trip to Urinetown fails to break her.  Gritty, determined, and willing to go farther than you might think.  

Joseph “Old Man” Strong, male, 50+
One of the Poor, Old Man Strong is the catalyst for the rebellion when he’s unable to pay the amenity’s fee in the morning, and all hell breaks loose.  Grumpy and resentful, but also a little charming and conniving.  The actor playing Old Man Strong doubles as…

Hot Blades Harry, male, 45+, Baritone (A2-F4)
One of the Poor, Hot Blades Harry is vengeful and a bit of a loose cannon.  He’s got violent tendencies and has to be reined in by his fellow Poor, only sometimes successfully.  He may or may not have a relationship with Little Becky Two-Shoes; they’d never tell.  The actor playing Harry doubles as Old Man Strong; Harry requires strong movement and harmony singing.  

Little Sally, female, 20-40, Mezzo (A3-E5)
One of the Poor, Little Sally is THAT kid — the annoying know-it-all who can also turn on the puppy eyes.  Whip-smart and capable of pointing out the foibles of authority then dodging away before she faces any consequences, Sally is still a poor street kid, saving her pennies.  Brilliant comic timing is a must; know how to play earnest and how to poke fun at earnestness.  

Tiny Tom, male, 30-50
One of the Poor, Tiny Tom is not smart.  No, like… REALLY not smart.  The actor playing Tiny Tom doubles as…

Dr. Billeaux, male, 30-50, Tenor (D3-A3)
He is head of Cladwell’s research team, but nobody knows what he’s researching.  Is he Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, or Dr. Pepper?  The actor playing Dr. B doubles as Tiny Tom; both roles require strong movement and harmony singing. 

Soupy Sue, female, 25-40, Mezzo (Bb3-B4)
One of the Poor, Soupy Sue is nervous and excitable — hesitant to take action, questions everything, and worries constantly.  The actor playing Soupy Sue doubles as Cladwell’s Secretary (nonspeaking); both roles require strong movement and harmony singing.  

Little Becky Two-Shoes, female, 20-40
One of the Poor, Little Becky is reactionary, a little maniacal, and willing to see the worst in everyone.  She may or may not have a relationship with Hot Blades Harry; they’d never tell.  The actor playing Little Becky doubles as…

Mrs. Millennium, female, 20-40, Mezzo/Sop with strong belt (Bb3-F5)
One of Cladwell’s hangers-on, a climber who just might be sleeping her way to the top.  The actor playing Mrs. Millennium doubles as Little Becky Two-Shoes; both roles require strong movement and harmony singing.

Robby the Stockfish, male, any age
One of the Poor, Robby goes along to get along and will happily shout in support of whatever the person in front of him suggests.  The actor playing Robby the Stockfish doubles as UGC Executive #2; both roles require strong movement and harmony singing.  

Billy Boy Bill, male, any age
One of the Poor, Bill never really grew up.  The actor playing Billy Boy Bill doubles as UGC Executive #1; both roles require strong movement and harmony singing.  

UGC Executives #1 and #2, male, any age
Cladwell’s lackeys.  The actors playing these roles also double as Billy Boy Bill and Robby the Stockfish; both roles require strong movement and harmony singing.  

Mr. McQueen, male, 30-45, Baritone (B2-E4)
As Cladwell’s assistant, Mr. McQueen is a toady, a suck-up, a sycophant.  He will say and do whatever he needs to survive.  

Senator Fipp, any, 40-55, Baritone (C#3-F4)
Long ago, they took a bribe in exchange for pushing Cladwell’s agenda in the Legislature.  Greedy and self-serving but ultimately cowardly, Fipp just wants to retire somewhere nice…with a lot of cash.  


  • Rehearsals begin Sunday, Nov 17, 2024
  • No rehearsal Nov. 27-30, Dec 20-27, December 31, and Jan. 1.
  • Move-in Saturday, January 4, 2025
  • Open January 25, 2025
  • Close & Strike February 15, 2025