1776 Cast Announced; City of Angels and Always, Patsy Cline in Production
South Bay Musical Theatre is pleased to announce the cast for its Winter, 2017 production of 1776. The Second Continental Congress President John Hancock - Ruthe Stein New Hampshire Dr.Josiah Bartlett - Ronnie Misra Massachusetts John Adams - Tim Reynolds Rhode Island Stephen Hopkins - Allen Siverson Connecticut Roger Sherman - Michael Cuddy New York Lewis Morris - Gregory Spear Robert Livingston - Gwyneth Price New Jersey Rev. John Witherspoon - Leslie Newport Pennsylvania Benjamin Franklin - Terri Weitze John Dickinson - Andy Cooperfauss James Wilson - Brett Carlson Delaware Caesar Rodney - Tim Harris Col. Thomas McKean - Beverly Hansberry George Read - Alea Selburn Maryland Samuel Chase - Robert Weisman Virginia Richard Henry Lee [...]