Board Meeting Minutes 

Start: 7:07 PM
End: 9:33 PM

Board Members In Attendance: Michael Hirsch, Dan Singletary, Braden Taylor, Nicole Tung, Ann Lucena,Tipu Purkayastha
Ex Officio: Walter Mayes (Artistic Director), Doug Hughes (Marketing), Karyn Morton (Production Manager)

Summary of Action Items

ACTION: Karyn and Walter to put together a plan/budget for the next season crew/staff needs.  

ACTION: Walter will create comparison/market analysis with other local theaters for Braden 

ACTION: Nicole to reach out to contacts at WVC and SJ State regarding students to potentially work on crew, train as sound designer, etc.

ACTION: Kathy Switky offered to spearhead Board Member and Fundraising Director search (thank you!)

ACTION: Motion to offer minimum wage for needed crew members (2 ASMs, dresser, lightboard op) on production ($17.55/hour). Passed unanimously.

ACTION: Doug to talk with Diane if 3rd and 4th weekend might have a day for people to do a dress up night for No, No, Nannette

ACTION: Tipu to talk to Saratoga HS and Ann to talk to Los Gatos HS about offer for NNN, bring more students in (Prospect and Pioneer HS nearby too)

ACTION: Walter and Karyn need to collect emergency forms from actors – double check, especially for Nannette

ACTION: Ann to work with Doug, Diane, and Kama to create a QR code for donations


  • Currently seeking Technical Director, Development Director, Costume Manager, Fundraising Manager, and new Board Members
    • Doug reached out to potential candidates for staff positions
    • Development Director: Ann and Michael interviewed one strong candidate. Second round interview with other Board members.



  • Continuing to seek out Board candidates 
    • Tipu gathered a few resumes off LinkedIn 
    • Kathy Switky offered to take the lead for search
  • Brunch with owner of potentially new software ticketing program specifically for theaters. May be a huge discount if SBMT is a beta tester for it. 
    • Current ticketing system is $12,000/year for another 3 years. 
    • Owner also owns an escape room and is interested in the theater aspect, possible collaboration involving set builds, actors, etc.
    • Will have a follow up meeting with him
  • Chamber of Commerce requested Christmas Carolers for Annual Wine Stroll. 
    • Unable to do last minute so SBMT will not take this up 
    • Next December, SBMT plans to do a holiday show
  • Following up with Thomas regarding new flooring for lobby


  • Nicole passed information along to instructors at WVC and SJ State regarding sound/lighting designers and to send interested students our way
  • Back wall has been extended past 36’ if a production wants something bigger for projector backdrops.
  • Ticket sales for NNN: similar to RENT currently, maybe selling 50%-60% of the house


  • Plenty of cash reserve
  • Met and spoke at length with potential Board member
  • Lost $7K on Mary Poppins due to canceled closing show (conflicting city event)
  • Need approx. $6K-$8K extra in budget for show crew to pay new members hourly ($1500/person)


  • Pitch to promote local performers with Outlook newsletter

Development and Fundraising

  • Potential idea: premium seats for donors as well as wine and cheese at the gazebo
  • Following up regarding potential Board members:
    • will create a central list document
    • Braden and Ann will do initial interviews 
    • Tipu and Michael to do second round

Oct 23rd, Michael will attend meeting for fundraising

Year end appeal letter drafted

  • Suggestion for someone on the Board to make request for donations during pre-show or ushers hold buckets at the end of show
  • Talking to senior homes to promote shows
    • some used to attend pre-pandemic
    • asking Walter to gather a few actors


  • 25/26 Season will be chosen based on budget
  • Urinetown auditions are ready
  • Brigadoon designers are set
  • Titanic and Music of the Millenium audition will go out soon
    • Video submission only 
    • No live auditions 
  • Letter to previous directors/choreographers will be sent out 
    • inquiring if they’re interested in next season’s lineup 
    • Asking what show they would want to work on
  • Winter show will be more compact, smaller cast
  • $32.50/hour for full time Tech Director


  • Wishlist for crew: 2 ASMs, 1 Wardrobe, 1 Lightboard Operator
    • Suggested hourly minimum wage, $17.55/hour
  • Students ideal as volunteers
    • earn college credits and experience
    • Receive comp tix
  • Need to offer member opportunities, donor opportunities 
    • market more to younger patrons

Organizational Development

  • no report