Board Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes June 10, 2020

By |2020-07-10T06:37:14-07:00June 10th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

June 10, 2020 Present: Barbara Heninger, Jen Maggio, Jay Steele, Jordan Selburn, Dallas Carter, Kim Kay, Steve Allhoff, Kevin Brownstein, Jennifer Petersen, Michael Hirsch, Steve Sammonds Ex Officio: Sara Dean, Doug Hughes Contents Agenda Reports sent prior to meeting Actions CFO / Finances Sharing facilities (and expenses) with other companies? Board Members Board Minutes Marketing Report Diversity eStudio Programming Agenda Director report items Financial planning/milestones Sustaining donor drive progress Facility rent negotiation update/plan Board candidates EDI Programing Reports sent prior to meeting Marketing (PDF): Marketing (Word): Actions AGREED: Board agreed to following CFO’s estimated financial plan ACTION: Steve [...]

Board Special Meeting May 20, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:47:58-07:00May 20th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

Special Meeting Board Members Present: Steve Allhoff, Kevin Brownstein, Dallas Carter, Barbara Heninger, Michael Hirsch, Kim Kay, Jen Petersen, Steve Sammonds, Jordan Selburn, Jay Steele, Ex Officio: Sara Dean, Jeffrey Henson, Doug Hughes Contents Actions Virtual Programming / eStudio Launch Studio and Set Shop Set Shop Studio Using WVLO for rehearsal space Board Candidates Inclusion and Diversity Committee Actions Thursday May 21, Doug: Make the updated SBMT website live and push out mails and communication. Wednesday May 27, Full Board: Hold Zoom meeting with our patrons.Question and Answer. Steve A: Continue discussions with the set shop and studio management. Jay: [...]

Board Meeting Minutes May 13, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:48:27-07:00May 13th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

May 13, 2020 Present Board Members: Jay Steele, Steve Allhoff, Kevin Brownstein, Dallas Carter, Barbara Heninger, Michael Hirsch, , Kimberly Kay, Jen Maggio, Jennifer Petersen, Steve Sammonds, Jordan Selburn Ex Officio: Sara Dean, Jeffrey Hensen, Doug Hughes, Dan Singletary Contents Motions Actions Past Actions Reports Posted Separately Contents Reports & Discussion CFO Report (Jen M.) Marketing (Doug) Fundraising (Jordan) Diversity and Outreach Committee Development Committee Financial Committee Artistic Development & Vision Committee Discussion – Future of 2020-21 Season Board Membership In Camera Meeting Motions MOTION: To cancel 2020-21 season as previously proposed. Passed with one abstention. Actions ACTION (Jeffrey Henson: [...]

Board Meeting Minutes April 8, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:48:54-07:00April 8th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

April 8, 2020 Present: Jay Steele, Michael Hirsch, Kim Kay, Steve Sammonds, Jennifer Petersen, Steve Allhoff, Jennifer Maggio, Jordan Selburn, Barbara Heninger, Kevin Brownstein, Dallas Carter Ex Officio: Sara Dean, Doug Hughes, Jeffrey Henson, Kathy Switky Contents Actions Motions Reports Sent Separately Reports & Discussion CEO Report / Financial Status Marketing Report Facilities Report Fundraising/Development report Community Outreach Committee (Jen P) Financial Committee (Jen M) Programming/Futures Committee (Sara, Michael) Development Committee (Dallas) General Meeting Board Development Production Updates (Sara) AB5 Actions (All actions from previous March 11 and 20 minutes COMPLETE) Action: Community Outreach, Finance, Programming/Futures, and Development Committee leads [...]

Special Board Meeting March 20, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:49:18-07:00March 20th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

Special Session, March 20, 2020 Present: Jay Steele, Jennifer Maggio, Michael Hirsch, Steve Alhoff, Jordan Selburn, Kim Kay, Barbara Heninger, Kevin Brownstein Ex Officio: Sara Dean, Doug Hughes Contents Actions Discussion of Next Steps for 2019-20 Season Decision: Cancel the remainder of the 2019-20 season After COVID-19 (2020-21 Season, other) Actions Action: Sara (and Jay?) to contact cast, staff, and crew of South Pacific and of the 1940s concert and explain that we must cancel the rest of the season. Action: Sara and Doug to craft a message to the membership. Membership mail goes out after mail to cast, crew, [...]

Board Meeting Minutes March 11, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:49:35-07:00March 11th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

March 11, 2020 Board members present: Michael Hirsch, Jay Steele, Steve Sammonds, Steve Allhoff, Jordan Selburn,  Barbara Heninger, Dallas Carter, Kimberly Kay, Jennifer Petersen, Jen Maggio, Kevin Brownstein Ex officio: Sara Dean (Executive Director), Doug Hughes (Marketing Director) Note that all dates and timelines recorded here have been superseded by subsequent COVID-19 events. Contents Actions Motions Reports Sent Separately Committee / Department Reports Marketing Season Planning CFO Report Facilities Report Diversity and Inclusion Team Membership Meeting Committee Reporting COVID-19 and Show Cancellations Board Membership Executive Director’s Report She Loves Me Survey Feedback Actions Action for Doug: Continue working on brochure, [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 12, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:50:00-07:00February 12th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

February 12, 2020 Board members present: Michael Hirsch, Jay Steele, Steve Sammonds, Steve Allhoff, Jordan Selburn,  Barbara Heninger, Dallas Carter, Kimberly Kay, Jennifer Petersen, Jen Maggio, Denise Reynolds, Kevin Brownstein Ex officio: Sara Dean (Executive Director), Doug Hughes (Marketing Director), Jeffrey Henson (Facilities Director) Contents Actions Motions Reports Sent Separately In Camera Session Board Responsibilities Financial Business Committee / Department Reports Outreach Committee – Jennifer Petersen Community Outreach Committee – Steve Allhoff Fundraising – Jordan Selburn Saratoga Civic Plans CFO Report – Jen Maggio 2020-21 Season General Meeting Plans Actions Action: All board members review the Board responsibilities document to [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Jan. 8, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:50:17-07:00January 8th, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

January 8, 2020 Board members present: Kim Kay, Denise Reynolds, Doug Hughes, Dallas Carter, Jordan Selburn, Steve Sammonds, Jen Maggio, Barbara Heninger, Michael Hirsch Ex officio: Sara Dean (Executive Director), Doug Hughes (Marketing Director) Contents Actions Motions Reports Sent Separately – See Board Drive AB5 Follow-up Per diem payments Ticket surcharges from Saratoga Other Ideas Motions re AB5 Budget / ED Compensation Reports Marketing Executive Director Artistic Development & Vision team Organization team Outreach committee Fundraising Actions Jen Maggio is going to check out the per diem rules. Sara is planning to talk to Earl from WVLO about what they [...]

Special Board Meeting Jan. 2, 2020

By |2020-06-21T21:50:40-07:00January 2nd, 2020|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

January 2, 2010. Meeting called to order at 5:40pm. Present: Barbara Heninger, Kevin Brownstein (via phone), Denise Reynolds, Jennifer Maggio, Steve Allhoff, Jordan Selburn, Kim Kay, Michael Hirsch, Dallas Carter (via phone), Jen Petersen (late); Sara Dean, and Doug Hughes Board Members absent: Jay Steele and Steve Sammonds This special meeting was called to address the impact of AB5 on how SBMT pays people working on our shows. It was imperative to address the issue as soon as possible because the law went into effect as of January 1, 2020 and Sara Dean needed to know how to handle payments [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Dec. 11, 2019

By |2020-06-21T21:51:03-07:00December 11th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

December 11, 2019 Present: Doug, Sara, Steve A., Denise, Jay, The Jen’s, Kim, Steve S.(7:03pm), Barbara (7:40pm), Dallas Motions Motion to accept the planned season roster (Little Night Music, Little Shop of Horrors, Sound of Music). Passed. Motion to retire the SBMT silver jackets and the award they represent. Passed. Actions (partial) Sara asks Steve to follow up with the Mountain Winery person, find out the budget for holding a membership or other event there. Sara will go to the event about AB5 at City Lights Theater, report back to Board. Barbara ask Brad the name of the persons in [...]

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