Board Meeting Minutes for March, 2022
SBMT Board Meeting March 9, 2022 Board Members present: Doy Charnsupharindr, Barbara Heninger, Michael Hirsch, Ed Hunter, Sharon Peng, Tipu Purkayastha, Steve Sammonds, Dan Singletary, Jay Steele, Aly Suleman Ex Officio: Sara Dean, Jeffrey Henson, Doug Hughes, Braden Taylor (partial) Motions MOTION: Move to invest 37 to 50% of current cash-on-hand into a moderate-to-conservative investment plan. Motion passed. Actions Barbara and Steve Sammonds will use Election Buddy to set up the Board member election (time frame for election expected June or July). Board Members all expect to contribute activity to the 60th Anniversary event in 2023. Reports and Discussion Facilities [...]