Barbara Heninger

About Barbara Heninger

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So far Barbara Heninger has created 175 blog entries.

Board Minutes for February, 2023

By |2023-02-17T12:57:32-08:00February 8th, 2023|2022-2023 Season, Board meetings|

SBMT Board Meeting Feb. 8, 2023 Time Start: 7:05pm End time: 9:01pm In attendance: Board Members - Dan Singletary, Ed Hunter, Barbara Henninger, Aly Suleman, Braden Taylor, Elizabeth Matthews, Steve Sammonds Ex. Officio: Sara Dean (EAD), Doug Hughes (Marketing), Jeffrey Henson (Facilities) Absent: Tıpu Purkayastha (Board), Stacy Levin (Board), Soni Kapoor (Board), Michael Hirsch (Board) Summary of Motion and Action Items Action: Annual Welfare Exemption Claims for city of Saratoga and set shop filed the week of 2/5 Action: Post show survey to go out 2/18 Action: Jordan and Sara working on Rotary Grant Action: Barbara and Kama working on [...]

Board Minutes for Jan. 11, 2023

By |2023-02-25T14:38:04-08:00January 11th, 2023|2022-2023 Season, Board Minutes|

SBMT Board Meeting Jan. 11, 2023 Time Start: 7:06PM Adjourned: 9:02PM Board Members In attendance: Michael Hirsch, Dan Singletary, Ed Hunter, Soni Kapoor, Barbara Henninger, Stacy Levin, Tıpu Purkayastha, Aly Suleman, Steve Sammonds Ex Officio: Sara Dean (EAD), Doug Hughes (Marketing) Not Present: Braden Taylor (Board), Elizabeth Matthews (Board) Summary of Motion and Action Items:  Action: Sara, Nancy and Ed working on proposal on how to collect money for equipment fund Action: Barbara, Kama, and Sara working on Silicon Valley grant, re-submitting for Quick grant Action: Org/Dev Committee asked to create a new procedure/process for EAD end-of-year review and write [...]

Board Minutes for November 9, 2022

By |2023-01-16T23:13:08-08:00November 9th, 2022|Board Minutes|

SBMT Board Meeting Minutes November 9, 2022 Board Members Present: Barbara Heninger, Michael Hirsch, Edward Hunter, Soni Kapoor, Elizabeth Matthews, Tipu Purkayastha, Steve Sammonds, Dan Singletary, Braden Taylor Ex Officio: Sara Dean (Executive Artistic Director), Jeffrey Henson (facilities) Not present: Doug Hughes (marketing), Stacy Levin (Board), Nicole Tung (Board) Summary of Action Items Board members must upload their vaccination record to Synopsys (Soni to provide link) Tipu will pick up breakfast items and find a lunch place to DoorDash for retreat Tipu and Elizabeth volunteer to connect with parent volunteers for local high school drama, music groups to sell tickets [...]

Board Minutes for October 12, 2022

By |2022-10-19T11:27:06-07:00October 12th, 2022|Board Minutes|

SBMT Board Meeting Minutes Convened at 7:06 Present: Barbara Heninger, Michael Hirsch (late), Soni Kapoor, Stacy Levin, Elizabeth Matthews, Tipu Purkayastha, Steve Sammonds, Dan Singletary, Aly Suleman, Braden Taylor Ex Officio: Sara Dean (ED), Doug Hughes (Marketing), Jeffrey Henson (Facilities) Absent: Ed Hunter, Nicole Tung Summary of Actions Braden will share annual budget and forecast spreadsheet with Board members, so they know where to find it in the Google Drive. BOARD: Block your calendar for December 3 for a Board retreat Soni & Barbara & Tipu: Discuss having Synopsys host the retreat, or Tipu’s current company. BOARD: Asked to consider [...]

Board Meeting Minutes for September, 2022

By |2022-09-26T21:16:57-07:00September 14th, 2022|Board Minutes|

SBMT Board Meeting Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Time Start: 7:03PM Ending: 8:55PM Board Members In attendance: Michael Hirsch, Nicole Tung, Steve Sammonds, Tipu Purkayastha, Stacey Levin, Aly Suleman, Ed Hunter, Barbara Heninger Ex Officio: Doug Hughes, Jeffrey Henson, Sara Dean, Kama Belloni Absent: Braden Taylor, Elizabeth Matthews, Dan Singletary, Soni Kapoor Summary of Motions and Actions Action: COMMUNITY Committee and EAD will come up with a date to invite SBMT community to participate in creating a youth program Action: EAD will pull scripts for potential future shows Action: Barbara and Sara interviewing potential facilitators for Board retreat, will report back [...]

Board Meeting Minutes for August, 2022

By |2022-09-08T11:14:35-07:00August 16th, 2022|2018-19 Season|

SBMT Board Meeting Minutes for August 16, 2022 Board Members present: Barbara Heninger, Braden Taylor, Dan Singletary, Ed Hunter, Elizabeth Matthews, Michael Hirsch, Nicole Tung, Soni Kapoor, Steve Sammonds, Tipu Purkayastha Ex Officio: Doug Hughes, Kama Belloni, Jeffrey Henson, Sara Dean Not present: Aly Suleman, Stacy Levin Meeting Agenda & supporting information: Summary of Motions and Actions Board members added themselves to committees Looking for carpenter and truck driver for Company load-in; also need light board programmer Moved to increase performer and crew compensation. Motion passed. Sara and Braden will meet to discuss details of budget changes to support [...]

Meet the SBMT Board Candidates for 2022!

By |2022-06-11T13:10:19-07:00June 9th, 2022|Board Election|

Welcome to the SBMT Board Election page for 2022! Every year, at least six of the 12 SBMT Board member positions are open for election by the SBMT membership. (Please see for links to more information about the Board and the election process). Members elected during this year's process will serve for two years, from July, 2022 through June, 2023. We offer MANY THANKS to Doy Charsupharindr, Jennifer Maggio, Raina Parks, Sharon Peng, and Jay Steele who are retiring from the Board this year. And we are delighted to present the candidates for the 2022 Board Election! Ed Hunter [...]

Board Meeting Minutes for June, 2022

By |2022-07-06T11:00:22-07:00June 8th, 2022|Board Minutes|

SBMT Board Minutes June 8, 2022 Started 7:04 pm Board Members Present: Raiña Parks, Michael Hirsch, Jay Steele, Ed Hunter, Dan Singletary, Sharon Peng, Aly Suleman, Tipu Purkayastha, Jennifer Maggio, Steve Sammonds  Not Present: Doy Charnsupharindr,  Other members present: Jeffrey Henson, Doug Hughes, Sara Dean (ED) ð  Please note highlights of activities that Board can take, below. 😊 DISCUSSION Updates On the Town - We made it through! Kudos to those who stepped up! Marketing and Social Media: (Doug Hughes)  Designed logo for 60th anniversary season Reviewed Marketing Report  Saw slight increase in all social media avenues Facilities: Jeff Henson [...]

Board Meeting Minutes for May, 2022

By |2022-07-06T11:00:52-07:00May 11th, 2022|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

SBMT Board Minutes May 11, 2022 Started 7:00 pm Board Members Present: Jay Steele, Steve Sammonds, Dan Singletary, Raiña Parks, Tipu Purkayastha, Michael Hirsch, Jeffrey Henson, Sharon Peng, Ed Hunter Guests Present: Lysander Abadia, Soni Kapoor Not Present: Jennifer Maggio, Doy Charnsupharindr  Other members present: Doug Hughes, Sara Dean (ED) ð  Please note highlights of activities that Board can take, below. 😊 DISCUSSION Youth Programming (Lysander Abadia) Sara gave a brief overview of the current theatre environment with the recent Covid resurgence and introduced our two guests. Soni Kapoor Working on first SBMT show, doing Deck Crew for “On the [...]

Board Meeting Minutes for April, 2022

By |2022-07-06T11:01:19-07:00April 13th, 2022|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

SBMT Board Minutes April 13, 2022 Started 6:06 pm Board Members Present: Barbara Heninger, Jay Steele, Steve Sammonds, Dan Singletary, Raiña Parks, Tipu Purkayastha, Michael Hirsch, Aly Suleman,  Not Present: Jennifer Maggio, Doy Charnsupharindr, Ed Hunter, Sharon Peng, Doug Hughes (Marketing) Other members present: Sara Dean (ED) ð  Please note highlights of activities that Board can take, below. 😊 DISCUSSION Updates Technology:  Venue Updates Tech booth stairs are almost done. Doors being varnished and having hardware put on them.  Added shelving in the box office and re-did a few things Working on projectors. There is a really annoying flickering problem. [...]

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