Board Minutes

Board Retreat November 26, 2019

By |2020-06-21T22:06:35-07:00November 26th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

Board Retreat Notes, collated by Dallas Carter and Barbara Heninger Values Discussion We listed two top items, with the following four below them that feed into the top.  The Culture and Connection of SBMT is created through:              HEART: Passion, Kindness              COMMUNITY: Collaborations, Inclusivity, Diversity, Service              QUALITY: Professionalism, Artistic Success, Creativity              GROWTH: Outreach, Financial Success, Enrichment, Enlightenment Original list for Values Discussion: Creativity (4) Community (5) - connected to Collaboration Connection Collaboration (3) Doing Follow-through Inclusivity (5) - connected (dotted line) to Collaboration and Community. Connected (solid line) to Diversity. Quality (7) - connected to Professionalism Success [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Nov. 13, 2019

By |2020-06-21T21:51:53-07:00November 13th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

November 13, 2019 Contents Actions Grant-writing (Jordan) Marketing (Doug) Tacos N Tunes (Kim) Surveys (Steve S) Diversity Retreat Year-end Award Nominations Executive Director Financial Report (Jen M) Actions Jordan: follow up with Sara on possible budget items for a grant. AED machines for set shop and rehearsal hall? ALL: Send feedback to Kim Kay about the Tacos and Tunes event. ALL AVAILABLE: Envelope stuffing for fund-raising drive at Sara’s house on Friday, November 15. Steve S: Send link to surveys Jennifer P: Create a diversity board ALL: Send suggestions for diversity board members to Jennifer P. ALL: Send Jay suggestions [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Oct. 9, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:06:23-07:00October 9th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

October 9, 2019 Contents Actions Motions Costume Sale notes Marketing Report Retreat Preparation (Nov. 23) Patron survey/survey change Chief Financial Officer’s Report Tacos and Tunes Next Season Actions Barbara ask Dan if we can pull data for single tickets to encourage season ticket conversions. Barbara H work with Barbara G to remove costumes from rehearsal hall before Wednesday, Oct. 16. Sara contact PA Players and ask how our reciprocal ad worked for them. Doug and Steve S. will work to send out the subscriber survey by October 19. Steve S. send out survey to GGLAM members after show closes. Kim [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Sep. 11, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:10:41-07:00September 11th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

September 11, 2019 Present: Dallas Carter, Denise Reynolds, Doug Hugues, Jen Maggio, Kim Kay, Michael Hirsch, Sara Dean Meeting was presided over by Kim Kay Contents Actions Board Offsite Tacos and Tunes Update Donation Drive Productions Gentlemen’s Guide She Loves Me South Pacific Costume Sale Donation Acknowledgement Courses Financial Report Marketing Season Selection Actions ALL: Send photos and video of last year’s Tacos and Tunes to Doug. Dallas C and Michael H: Will lead the November fundraising drive, Doug H will assist from Marketing. Michael H: will ask Dan Singletary to set up a donation account in Vendini for the [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Aug. 14, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:14:48-07:00August 14th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

August 14, 2019 Contents ACTIONS Sara Millie Survey SBMT Patron Survey Tacos and Tunes Board Retreat November 23 Season Selection committee Gentlemen’s Guide She Loves Me Costumes Company Sales Incentive – Ticket Pricing ACTIONS Plan for Board to provide snacks on preview nights – Try it for GGLAM (But Michael H. doesn’t have to do it!). Board members should remember to buy tickets to Tacos and Tunes soon. Let Kim know if you are planning on buying a table. Steve S will send out the Patron Survey soon. Some Board members will attend 42nd Moon concert of Titanic, and possibly [...]

Board Meeting Minutes June 12, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:18:28-07:00June 12th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

June 12, 2019 Present: Jay, Denise, Doug H, Sara, Jennifer, Braden, Jordan, Barbara, Kim, Steve A, Kevin, Steve S, Jeffrey Contents Actions Community Outreach Committee Tacos and Tunes Big River Survey Workshops Election Update Executive Director Liability Waiver Other Business Actions Doug provide postcards for community outreach committee to hand out when they ask restaurants in Saratoga to support us All Board is invited to attend Saratoga Chamber of Commerce event on Wednesday, June 19 at “Stilettos,” where SBMT will be introduced Doug send message to membership pushing Tacos & Tunes tickets Steve will follow up on survey suggestions and [...]

Board Meeting Minutes May 8, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:22:16-07:00May 8th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

Present: Jay, Steve S, Doug, Sara, Braden, Kim, Denise, Kevin, Steve A., Barbara SUMMARY of Motions and Actions Board approved the Budget presented by CFO for 2019-20 season. Board approved a performance bonus plan for Sara Dean (as described) Sara will send a message to Board members to confirm interest in participating in a strategic planning committee Sara will either complete paperwork with City of Saratoga by May 17, or plan for holding our dance and acting classes at the studio next season Doug will put together an ad to be released on Millie opening night about the classes; information [...]

Board Meeting Minutes April 10, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:26:27-07:00April 10th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

April 10, 2019 Present: Sara Dean, Kim Kay, Jen Young, Jordan Selburn, Steve Sammonds, Jeffrey Henson, Denise Reynolds, Jay Steele, Braden Steele, Steve Allhoff, Doug Hughes Motions: No motions Discussion Jeffrey needs to replace the wall-mounted electrical cord reels at the shop, which will cost $770. Braden also updated Jeffrey that the toilet chain broke again and needs to be replaced (studio.) Jay formally emailed Dan and asked him if he would be willing to develop a proposal for specs for projector system. Doug Baird has expressed interest in using it for Will Rogers Follies if it’s in place in [...]

Board Meeting Minutes March 13, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:35:55-07:00March 13th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

March 13, 2019 Present: Jay Steele, Sara Dean, Kim Kay, Kevin Brownstein, Jordan Selburn, Steve Allhoff, Jennifer Petersen, Doug Hughes, Denise Reynolds, Steve Sammonds, Jeffrey Henson Motions Actions Marketing Report Development Report Executive Director’s Report Meeting with City Manager, James Lindsay Harassment Committee Board Recruitment Tacos & Tunes Motions No motions Actions Sara will get a price/budget for a truck to Jordan. Kim will work on delegating the online applications for auction asks. Jay/Doug will set a date for subscription renewal stuffing party. Sara will work on a curtain speech for Millie. Marketing Report Doug has designed the subscription package. [...]

Board Meeting Minutes Feb. 13, 2019

By |2020-06-22T05:35:16-07:00February 13th, 2019|Board meetings, Board Minutes|

February 13, 2019 Present: Jay Steele, Braden Taylor, Sara Dean, Barbara Heninger, Kevin Brownstein, Jordan Selburn, Steve Allhoff, Jennifer Petersen, Doug Hughes, Denise Reynolds Motions Actions Executive Director’s Report Meeting With City Grant Projects Gypsy Robe SBMT Membership Events Committee News Offering Classes Season Pricing Harassment Incident CFO Position Silver Jackets Motions Change Gypsy Robe to “legacy robe” – passed Change to bylaws to at least one required meeting – passed Modify ticket pricing per proposal below (“Season Pricing”) – passed Actions Jordan work with Dan S. to get numbers for a grant for projection system Jay (?) propose bylaws [...]

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